Epidemics in the Soil

Epidemics in the soil

Predatory bacteria prey upon other living bacterial cells, requiring them for energy, nutrients, and replication. They were unknown in biocrusts until recently. Our lab discovered a predatory bacterium (cyanoraptor) that preys upon the foundational cyanobacterium, Microcoleus vaginatus, of biocrusts and thus has the potential to have widespread implications for the health of biocrusts and restoration efforts.

Our main objective is to isolate, identify and characterize this predator to better understand its interactions within biocrusts and impacts on biocrust health. Because this predator preys upon a foundational and ubiquitous cyanobacterium within biocrusts it has the potential to be found worldwide. Studies are currently focusing on the predator’s physiology, interactions between predator and prey and the breadth of its presence in the field. Because our lab also works with restoration approaches for biocrusts, we are also investigating ways to remediate the predator’s impact on restoration inoculum.